Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"i unpetalled you"

I unpetalled you

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,
to see your soul,
and I didn't see it.
But everything around
-horizons of land and of seas-, c
everything, out to the infinite,
was filled with a fragrance,
enormous and alive.”

-Juan Ramon Jimenez

prompt- chose a poem of literary merit and write an essay in which you analyze the poems literary elements and use this analysis to interpret the meaning of the poem. (what is the poem saying and how does the author use literary elements to convey the message)
introduction- theis- title- poet-any relevant facts about him-  summery of poems content-
thesis- must include- indentification of literary elemements, direction of anaysis, overall messege. 

graphic organizer
This poem is about a man who fell in love with a woman, but love wasn't what he expected. It didn't just help him get closer to the woman but it opened up the entire world for him and changed his whole perspective on the world.
this poem is an extended metaphor
the use of "like a rose" is a simalie to show you that this poem is about love, since roses so often symbolize love. also because roses are delicate and beautiful. this poem may have something to do with losing virginity because of the phrase "i unpetalled you". Taking someones virginity is an act of love. 
the use of "fragrance" shows us a changing of his mind set. the whole world is filled with her beauty and he finds good in everything
something i noticed of about the pattern of the poem is he uses an unnecessary world, "out to the infinite" it seems like it could be condensed more than it is, but he made that choice not to.
a repeating sound is a round kind of sound, O, your, soul, around, horizons, enormous,out .
repeats "everything" for emphasis
uses the word "see" 3 times, well one time it is "sea" but still
the m dash may symbolize a stop
sounds before m dash more harsh, more E's
sounds after m dash longer
more drawn out after m dash- words longer, more comas and ands
more syllables per line after m dash
alive= travels upwards
positive change
m dash conveys a full stop- crossing boundary to new more open version of him

outline 2
extended metaphor- all about him falling in love with a girl.
crossing boundary by m dash-m dash convays full stop
sounds before and after- E's b4. O's after
syllables and diction before and after- more pauses after. more syllables after.
rose simaley virginity and love. fragility. making a big change

intro- love isn't always what you expect it to be, it can change your whole life. 
 this poem is very short, but it packs so much meaning in a short space. extended metaphor for love. he uses roses to symbolize roses and very round sounds and adds unnecessary words to give a rounded feeling to the poem
thesis- "i unpetalled you"by juan ramon jimenez tries to show you how amazing and unexpected being in love can be.
body 1- extended metaphor
this poem is an extended metaphor for love.
body 2- use of rose

the author uses the metaphor of roses to symbolize love.

body 3- round sounds

the author uses a lot of round sounds, like  O, your, soul, around, horizons, enormous,out .

body 4- unnecessary words
the author uses some unnecessary words "out to the infinite" . He chose to do this because he wants to incorporated a rounded more full sound into the poem.

rough draft

I unpetalled you

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,

to see your soul,

and I didn't see it.

But everything around

-horizons of land and of seas-, c

everything, out to the infinite,

was filled with a fragrance,

enormous and alive.”

-Juan Ramon Jimenez


1stextended metaphor- all about him falling in love with a girl.

2ndcrossing boundary by m dash-m dash convays full stop

3rdsounds before and after- E's b4. O's after

4thsyllables and diction before and after- more pauses after. more syllables after.


rose simaley virginity and love. fragility. making a big change


intro intro intro

in “I uptelled you” by juany  uses diction and symalys to show how being in love changes 

everything in your life.

This poem is an extended metaphor for a man who falls in love with a woman.  The girl 

is the rose, and the fragrance is his new perspective on life since it happened. 

 “everything, out to the infinite,

 was filled with a fragrance, 

enormous and alive.” 

This quote shows how the woman changed his life completely, and how he interprets the 

world in a whole new light because of it. It also shows how he perceives falling in love as one of 

the best human experiences in life. She opened up his whole world and made it a thing of beauty. 

“I didn't see it.” this quote can be interpreted as he did not know what love was before. He 

thought that falling in love would just change his views on her, but it didn’t, it changed his entire 

worldly perspective.

One way this poem shows change is by utilizing the ‘m’ dash. When he begins to talk 

about how falling in love feels, he uses an ‘m’ dash. “ -horizons of land and of  seas-“ This 

symbol is typically used to add a long pause, whereas here the authore is trying to demonstrate 

his sudden change of heart. Juan ______ uses it in this instance to show a crossing of a boundary, 

his life before love and his life after he fell for her. It also shows how important this was, and 

how it contributed to a new, more candid version of himself. 

The sounds in Juan’s writing become quite different in the second half of the poem 

compared to the first. In the beginning of the poem the author utilizes a lot of harsh sounds. 

“like a rose, 

To see your soul,

 and I didn't see it.” 

The E is very grating and abrasive to the ears. The use of the E is probably to show how 

his life was not as whole before he found love. This sound makes you take a step back while 

reading and it purposefully doesn’t flow as well. In the ending of the poem, the author uses a 

lot of O sounds. The O is much more rounded and melodic then the E. It rolls off your tongue 

much more fluidly. “horizons of  land and of seas”. Since it it takes longer to make the sound 

of O, it can be stretched out more and used to create more pauses and stops in the poem. Juan 

did this to show how he feels more fulfilled since he fell in love, and how he can take more time 

to appreciate the beauty in everyday life, such as finding peace in simple words. The O sound 

creates a gentle calm sound that is shown in this poem.

Another way the author creates more pauses in the second half was through his choice of 

words. You can compare the first couple of lines to the last. The first part is much more terse and 

to the point.

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,

to see your soul,

and I didn't see it.”

He has a very abrupt tone during this section. He says what he is trying to say in few 

words. This part of the poem has less passion and personality. The author is much more guarded 

during this section. In the second part of the poem he opens up. He lets his style escape during 

the last couple of lines.

“everything, out to the infinite, 

was filled with a fragrance,

 enormous and alive.”

This part of the poem has a lot more comas, as well as “ands”. This section takes longer 

to read and follows a rhythm. Even the syllables per line increase, as can be seen in the first 

section which has approximately 5 syllables per line, while in this section, it goes up to 8. He 

chose to do this mostly to demonstrate a change in himself as the poem concludes. He evolves 

with the love he now has, his love for this woman has changed him. 

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,” I believe that this statement 

was made to insinuate that he had taken her virginity. “Deflowered” 

is a common term used to describe the act of taking a girls virginity. 


________________________________ ill figure out an ending later

Conclusion conclusion conclusion

Monday, April 29, 2013

alchemist essay outline

The Alchemist Essay
Many people go throughout their lives feeling unfilled and lost. This may be due to the fact that they never discovered their personal legend. Your personal legend "is your mission on earth" (22) and too many people turn away from their true purpose. Paulo Choelo teaches us in "The Alchemist" that turning away from your fate will have repercussions. In the story we meet people who have and haven't achieved their personal legend, the ones who have are undeniably more at peace, it proves that no matter how much you have to go through to get there, finding your personal legend is worth it. Ignoring your personal legend is selfish. When you ignore it the soul of the world suffers along with you. You cannot disregard your personal legend if you hope to have a fulfilling life.

People who achieve their personal legend are happier. The book shows us some examples of these people like the candy merchant. He is a man who has discovered his true calling he "Had a smile about his face: he was happy, aware of what his life was about, ready to begins a day’s work" (43). The boy tells us about the feeling you get when you finally achieve your personal legend at the end of the book. He realized that everything in his life was leading up to this moment and felt that" Life really is generous to those who purse their destiny”(176)

 People who do not achieve their personal legend are unfulfilled. Not all people decide to follow their personal legends. Some people put their dreams aside, like the crystal merchant. He "Awoke with the day, and felt the same anxiety that he felt every morning." (44). He is not content with his life and always wondering if he made the right choice for himself. He feels it is too late to change anything and is trapped. In the intro P.C. describes what happens to those of us who ignore our personal legends. it will "Eat away at our soul, until, one day, we are no longer able to free ourselves for the bitterness and it stays with us for the rest of our lives" vii. People who turn away from their personal legends have many reasons, for the people they love, for money, because they do not think they are worth it.

Finding your personal legend is worth hardships. even after all the strife you go through, in the long run you will be much happier." once we have overcome the defeats-and we always do- we are filled with a greater sense of euphoria and confidence." (vii). The alchemist’s warns Santiago about the dangers of choosing the easy path for his life, staying in the oasis with Fatima and not going to the pyramids. He tells him that "You’ll spend the rest of your days knowing that you didn't pursue your destiny and that now it’s too late. (126) When life gives you a gift like true happiness you cannot turn your back on it without consequences." Every blessing ignored becomes a curse". (58) The soul of the world wants you to achieve your personal legend, and if you turn your back on the life it has planned out for you, it will punish you.

Finding your personal legend benefits the whole world-everything is connected. When someone ignores their personal legend, and makes themselves discontent, everything around them suffers. “The soul of the world is nourished by peoples happiness, also by unhappiness, envy, and jealousy. "(22) That means when you are ignoring your fate you are affecting everything, including your loved ones. The soul of the world is benefited by people realizing their personal legend. “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.” (158)

Throughout this book P.C. tries again and again to show us that finding your personal legend takes priority over anything else you can do in your life. If you have not found your personal legend by the end of your life, you have failed your life's true calling. You will have gone through your entire life without ever finding true peace and you will have negatively affected everything around you.

Monday, April 22, 2013

topic sentence for the alchemist

paulo choelo teaches us in "the alchemist" that turning away from your fate will have repercussions.

king mefehdhbxjv
"i cant help you if you think that you have enough sheep" 20
"the most important is that you have succeded in discovering your personal legend" 21
"its what you have always wanted to accomplish. everyone, when they are young, knows what their ersonal legend is." 21
"as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible to realize their personal legend" 21
"it is your mission on earth" 22
"the soul of the world is nourished by peoples happiness. also by unhappiness, envy, and jealousy. to realize ones destiny is a persons only true obligation. all things are one" 22
"because you are about to realize your Personal Legend. and you are at the point where youre about to give it up" 23
"people learn, early in their lives, what is their reason for being. the old man said. maybe thats why they give up on it so early, too. " 24
"there is a force that wants you to realize your personal legend" 29
the alchemists warning
"Well, what if I decide to stay? …Let me tell you what will happen. You’ll be the counselor of the oasis …You’ll marry Fatima, and you’ll both be happy for a year…. And you’ll get better and better at understanding omens, because the desert is the best teacher there is…. Sometime during the second year, you’ll remember about the treasure. The omens will begin insistently to speak of it, and you’ll try to ignore them…During the third year, the omens will continue to speak of your treasure and your destiny. You’ll walk around, night after night, at the oasis, and Fatima will be unhappy because she’ll feel it was she who interrupted your quest. But you will love her, and she’ll return your love… So you won’t blame her. But many times you’ll walk the sands of the desert, thinking that maybe you could have left… that you could have trusted more in your love for Fatima. Because what kept your at the oasis was your own fear that you might never come back. At that point, the omens will tell you that your treasure is buried forever…. Then, sometime during the fourth year, the omens will abandon you, because you’ve stopped listening to them. The tribal chieftains will see that, and you’ll be dismissed from your position as counselor… You’ll spend the rest of your days knowing that you didn’t pursue your destiny, and that now it’s too late. (126)

the candy seller vs the baker
"when he was a child, that man wanted to travel too. but he fisrt dicided to buy a bakery and put some money aside... bakers are more important than shepards. in the long run, what people think about shepards and bakers becomes more important than their personal legend." 23
"the candy seller had a smile about his face: he was happy, aware of what his life was about, ready to begins a days work" 43

the glass owner
"the crystal merchant awoke with the day, and felt the same anxiety that he felt every morning." 44
"it was too late to do anything else" 45
"i just want to dream about mecca... im afraid that it would all be a disappointment, so i prefer just to dream about it" 55
"i dont want to change anything, because i dont know how to deal with change. im used to the way i am" 58
"every blessing ignored becomes a curse" 58

the introduction
"why is it important to live our personal calling if we are only going to suffer more than other people?
because, once we have overcome the defeats-and we always do- we are filled with a greater sense of euphoria and confidence. in the silence of our hearts, we know that we are proving ourselves worthy of the miricle of life" vii
"what is a personal legend? its gods blessing, it is the path that god chose for you on earth"vi
"the latter goes on for years, and without our noticing, eats away at our soul, untill, one day, we are no longer able to free ourselves for the bitterness and it stays with us for the rest of our lives" vii
body paragrph ideas
show comparisons between poeple who achived and who didnt their personal legends
show how people feel after
show how even though its hard its worth it
damages soul of the world
…there were certain things one shouldn’t ask about, so as not to flee from one’s own destiny. (43)
“You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it’s better to listen to what it has to say. That way, you’ll never have to fear an unanticipated blow.” (136)
My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer…Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity. (137)
They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.” (158)
It’s true; life really is generous to those who purse their destiny,…(176)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

narcissis- answer #2

from what i understand this question to be, you want us to relate the story of Narcissus to our own personal legends. i don't believe that that question makes a whole lot of sense. Narcissus didn't have a personal legend, he was simply a selfish little man. He did contribute to the soul of the world by making a beautiful flower, but he wasn't very useful to anyone besides the lake until after he was dead and gone.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

vocab sentences obtuse-wistful

the boy was very obtuse when it came to school work, and received strait c's no matter how hard he tired to work.
the donkey was onerous and bit me and refused to move even while whipping it
the teacher used his essay as a paradigm for the rest of the class which inflated his ego a great deal
our rash decision making lead to ridicule by students and anger from teachers.
i had been running for so long i was forced to take a short respite
i was rife with anger after finding out my two best friends had been talking about me behind my back
we were somnolent after a long night of studding together and ended up nodding off during 2nd period
trying to have a serious discussion with a child is almost impossible because of their tangential thinking, one moment you are talking about consequences, the next they are distracted by a butterfly.
the used car salesman unctuous manner made me wary of buying anything from him
the girl was so vapid i knew i would never be able to talk with her about anything remontly meaningful.
thinking of seattle makes me feel wistful about going home, i miss my friends and family very much.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

poem about challenge

On Seeing the  Elgin Marbles

My spirit is too weak—mortality
   Weighs heavily on me like unwilling sleep,
   And each imagined pinnacle and steep
Of godlike hardship tells me I must die
Like a sick eagle looking at the sky.
   Yet ’tis a gentle luxury to weep
   That I have not the cloudy winds to keep
Fresh for the opening of the morning’s eye.
Such dim-conceived glories of the brain
   Bring round the heart an undescribable feud;
So do these wonders a most dizzy pain,
   That mingles Grecian grandeur with the rude
Wasting of old time—with a billowy main—
   A sun—a shadow of a magnitude.
 the mood of the poem is humbled and tired of chanlenges  it is shown in figurative language. his spirit is not literally too weak. it does not literally weigh on him during sleep. the Elgin Marbles are famous Greek sculptures. they got their name from the Englishman who stole them in the 17th century. i think this speaker thought he was an important man but upon looking at this statue he realized how un-important he actually is.
the tone of the poem is influenced by the rhyme scheme. the poem clearly rhymes but the rhyme scheme changes. i think he chose ti do this to signify a change in the view of the speaker. "bring round the heart" i think the " i have not the cloudy winds to keep is in reference to the fact that he does not want to hold onto something, and he wants to see the world in from a new view.

ps. im not sure how this would fit in but i noticed a lot of mentions to things doing with nature, sun, eagles, cloudy winds, mornings eye etc.

Monday, March 11, 2013

what is symbolism? the alchemist

what is symbolism?
Symbolism is something that stands for something else. an underlying meaning.
3 symbols in the alchemist
1) The wind. the wind is a symbol in the alchemist. it is a symbol for freedom and possibilities and adventure.
2) unum and thurm

The space needle
For me the space needle means home. it means something i have grown up with all my life, and being able to see it on the skyline almost every day. it means folklife, which is  festival i go to almost every year. it means seeing friends. it means seeing family, especially ones that travel to Seattle for the for the time and want to see the iconic building. thinking about the space needle makes me miss my home and my family and my friends and my cat and the sound of rain and sunshine and amazingly green grass and the places and parks and streets i grew up with. thinking about the space needle makes me really really sad. it also means my phone background. it is something i can identify myself with in this world. especially when i away from home. like now. I have only ever been up in the space needle maybe 5 times in my life time. but when i think about it i get so goddamn nostalgic, and fuck shit whore i miss my friends.
For other people the space needle also may mean Seattle. but in a different more surface way. it might mean Starbucks and hipsters and rain. maybe it means where a distant relative lives. it might mean the world fair. it might mean smoking weed.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

the alchemist discussion questions. part 1

I think that this statement is true. As she got older you become more focused on what is realistic, and actually liable to happen. I think the force is at least in part, pressure by society. People believe less and less as they get older that anything is possible. They think that in order to become successful they have to conform to society. “in the long run, what people think about bakers and shepherds becomes more important for them then their personal legends” -23. Another reason people abandon their personal legends is because they think what they have is plenty. Like Mechizedek says, “I can’t help you if you feel you’ve got enough sheep”. To be completely successful, you have to keep pushing for more and more. Santiago helped the shop keeper understand that. The shop keeper kept on pushing to make his business better and better and it expanded once he did that. You can’t achieve your personal legend when you settle for mediocrity. “The crystal merchant awoke with the day, and felt the same anxiety that he felt every morning” -44. The crystal merchant had not achieved his personal legend, and was therefore, unfulfilled.
The language of the world is how you can communicate with someone. It is different from spoken language because it can cross language boundaries. Omens and sensing things are definitely involved you have to be able to spot them. Like the boy was able to spot that the crystal merchant had to make a decision, so he began to clean his glasses without waiting for a response. You cannot question it while you are speaking it, you might not even notice it is happening, like the boy and the candy seller. A fascination with words and pictures can make you forget the universal language because you cannot notice when you are speaking it. The boy had been speaking it to his sheep all along but once he was in a different situation, still doing the same thing, he was shocked by it. “He was learning a lot of new things. Some of them were things he had already experienced, and weren’t new, but that he had never perceived before” -43. He hadn’t realized he was speaking the universal language until he did it with the candy seller.  If you cannot understand the universal language, you cannot understand the world. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Vocabulary 3 Exercise 1- match

  1. The werewolf tried to  conceal  the truth about himself from his human girlfriend, but she found out the truth anyway.-obfuscate
  1. His  daily  workload in the kitchen consisted of some very  banal  chores, such as peeling 50 pounds of potatoes for dinner.- quotidian
  1. Victoria’s last boyfriend was so overly  attentive  that he made her feel suffocated.
  1. The results from our scientific experiment surprised us because they were so different from what we expected, but then we realized the  abnormality was caused by our faulty equipment.-aberration
  1. Carl had schemed to keep Georgia out of the house until it was time to go to her surprise party by taking her to a movie, but his plan was  ruined when Georgia said she had already seen all of the movies in the local movie theater.-foiled
  1. It was rather  bold  of that gentleman to interrupt the wedding and object to the marriage, especially because he wasn’t even invited.-presumptous
  1. Yes, he seems like an especially  antagonistic  fellow; I saw him get out of the car and yell at another wedding guest who was pulling into the same parking spot.-pugnacious
  1. Amanda was an  ebullient  woman who was always the life of the party and the center of attention.-solicitous
  1. Elizabeth Smart is a girl who was  kidnapped  as a fourteen year-old and was kept in captivity for nine months.-abducted
  1. Gertrude did not trust Charlie after she found out that he had started such   untrue  rumors about her.-mendacious
  1. In the days after the hurricane there was a  lack  of gasoline, and we could not fill up our gas tank because they were rationing it.-dearth
  1. The doctor made a such a  convincing  argument to the other doctors at the hospital that they decided to follow his advice.- cogent
  1. Google is one of the  giants  of the technology industry. - behemoth
  1. The conference schedule gave us a  break  at noon which gave me enough time to have a quick lunch with my friend across the street. haitus
  1. Corbin did not like that this new boy had  stolen  his girlfriend’s attentions.
  1. Belinda was  totally unaware  of the fact that the teacher was waiting for her to stop texting because she was absorbed in the fight she was having with her mother via text.-oblivious
  1. Billy, with his reckless and rebellious attitude,  highlights  the submissive and innocent Anne.- foils
  1. In the movie The Lion King, Simba  revels in  his freedom away from his pride (a group of lions that sticks together) but realizes his responsibility is to return to save his family from his uncle’s evil tyranny.-relish
  1. It is only through the  generosity  of the Bluth family that T.B.A., an illness that affects millions of people, will finally be vanquished.-largess
  1. Eddie felt like he was giving  perfect  answers to the questions in his job interview and was feeling very confident-- maybe, in fact, too confident, because he tried to make a joke that he did not pull off well.-impeccable
  1. In his book The Magus, John Fowles gives a rich picture of the island of Mycenae, complete with Greece-blue skies,  breezes  carrying the smell of salt over the hills, and mysterious green foliage recalling ancient history.- zephyr
  1. Mala suffered terrible  exclusion  from the social scene in high school because kids were cruel and her timidness made her an easy target for mockery.- ostracism
  1. Bridget resented Heather because she was such a  brown-noser  and was always sucking up to Ms. Flannery.-toady
  1. Her parents wanted her to settle down with a nice boy, but she preferred the  migratory  and decentralized life of a bohemian.- nomadic
  1. The home-made candy had overboiled and was now too  syrupy  to be handled properly.- viscous

alchemist discussion questions- part 1

I know that this is a Greek myth about a very handsome man called narcissus who was very vain. He was so vain that he stared at his refection all day long in a lake just looking at himself. Over time he fell deeply in love with himself. One day, when he couldn't stand to just look at his beauty anymore, he dove into the lake, and drowned to death.
The traditional interpretation is that narcissus deserved to die because of his vanity. He was self-centered was only able to be happy when thinking about himself.  This story is meant to be a warning to other people, to not be vain like narcissus, because it only leads to trouble.
I think that the relationship between the re-telling of narcissus  and the alchemist is about finding people to help you. The lake and narcissus made each other happy. They may have been vain and imperfect things but they brought each other joy. They saw their own beauty reflected on other surface and only then were able to see themselves. I think it also has to do with the soul of the world. When you stare into the soul of the world, it stares right back at you. And if you hurt yourself you hurt the soul of the world with you. Everything is connected and your decisions have an impact on every other thing. As the king said “there is a force that wants you to realize your personal legend” (29). The reason that that force is around, is because when you achieve your personal legend you help yourself, also help the soul of the world. Many people help the shepherded along in his story and help to direct his quest, the king, the gypsy, the store keeper.  Even the thief steals from him helps him to be stronger because only after being stolen from he realized that he could “”choose between thinking of himself as the poor victim of a thief and as an adventurer looking for treasure.” (42)  

The boy comes from Spain but most of the book takes place in Egypt. I think one of the reasons that the author did this was to help signal a big change. He had to re-learn everything he knew and adapt to the new place. Egypt is also a romanticized land. Of impossible feats, the pyramids, of erratic floods that can destroy everything you have, the Nile, and of great, long lost, treasures. Spain is viewed as a more plushy country. It has fantastic weather and beautiful women. The contrast between Spain and Egypt also highlights just how much he gave up for his personal legend.

            Her introduction brings up his role in society. “if you know how to read, why are you just a shepherd” (6) the words “just a shepherd” show a lot. It shows that he is low on the totem pole in society. It also shows about how if he really wanted to, he could have done something others would have labeled as “more important” or gain him more respect or money. He is a shepherd because he loves to travel. It shows that he is already in touch with his personal legend a lot more than many other people are. He has already begun to do things just for the sake of making himself happy. Which, as the king points out, is very rare.

The boy’s original motive was to become rich. He finds the treasure. The story would most likely feel a little incomplete without it. I think the fact that he travels all the way too Egypt then all the way back helps you to understand that it isn't about the money, it’s about the journey you take. Of course the money doesn't hurt, but I think that if the boy had come to the end of his travels, only to find nothing, I don’t think he would be very disappointed.