Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"i unpetalled you"

I unpetalled you

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,
to see your soul,
and I didn't see it.
But everything around
-horizons of land and of seas-, c
everything, out to the infinite,
was filled with a fragrance,
enormous and alive.”

-Juan Ramon Jimenez

prompt- chose a poem of literary merit and write an essay in which you analyze the poems literary elements and use this analysis to interpret the meaning of the poem. (what is the poem saying and how does the author use literary elements to convey the message)
introduction- theis- title- poet-any relevant facts about him-  summery of poems content-
thesis- must include- indentification of literary elemements, direction of anaysis, overall messege. 

graphic organizer
This poem is about a man who fell in love with a woman, but love wasn't what he expected. It didn't just help him get closer to the woman but it opened up the entire world for him and changed his whole perspective on the world.
this poem is an extended metaphor
the use of "like a rose" is a simalie to show you that this poem is about love, since roses so often symbolize love. also because roses are delicate and beautiful. this poem may have something to do with losing virginity because of the phrase "i unpetalled you". Taking someones virginity is an act of love. 
the use of "fragrance" shows us a changing of his mind set. the whole world is filled with her beauty and he finds good in everything
something i noticed of about the pattern of the poem is he uses an unnecessary world, "out to the infinite" it seems like it could be condensed more than it is, but he made that choice not to.
a repeating sound is a round kind of sound, O, your, soul, around, horizons, enormous,out .
repeats "everything" for emphasis
uses the word "see" 3 times, well one time it is "sea" but still
the m dash may symbolize a stop
sounds before m dash more harsh, more E's
sounds after m dash longer
more drawn out after m dash- words longer, more comas and ands
more syllables per line after m dash
alive= travels upwards
positive change
m dash conveys a full stop- crossing boundary to new more open version of him

outline 2
extended metaphor- all about him falling in love with a girl.
crossing boundary by m dash-m dash convays full stop
sounds before and after- E's b4. O's after
syllables and diction before and after- more pauses after. more syllables after.
rose simaley virginity and love. fragility. making a big change

intro- love isn't always what you expect it to be, it can change your whole life. 
 this poem is very short, but it packs so much meaning in a short space. extended metaphor for love. he uses roses to symbolize roses and very round sounds and adds unnecessary words to give a rounded feeling to the poem
thesis- "i unpetalled you"by juan ramon jimenez tries to show you how amazing and unexpected being in love can be.
body 1- extended metaphor
this poem is an extended metaphor for love.
body 2- use of rose

the author uses the metaphor of roses to symbolize love.

body 3- round sounds

the author uses a lot of round sounds, like  O, your, soul, around, horizons, enormous,out .

body 4- unnecessary words
the author uses some unnecessary words "out to the infinite" . He chose to do this because he wants to incorporated a rounded more full sound into the poem.

rough draft

I unpetalled you

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,

to see your soul,

and I didn't see it.

But everything around

-horizons of land and of seas-, c

everything, out to the infinite,

was filled with a fragrance,

enormous and alive.”

-Juan Ramon Jimenez


1stextended metaphor- all about him falling in love with a girl.

2ndcrossing boundary by m dash-m dash convays full stop

3rdsounds before and after- E's b4. O's after

4thsyllables and diction before and after- more pauses after. more syllables after.


rose simaley virginity and love. fragility. making a big change


intro intro intro

in “I uptelled you” by juany  uses diction and symalys to show how being in love changes 

everything in your life.

This poem is an extended metaphor for a man who falls in love with a woman.  The girl 

is the rose, and the fragrance is his new perspective on life since it happened. 

 “everything, out to the infinite,

 was filled with a fragrance, 

enormous and alive.” 

This quote shows how the woman changed his life completely, and how he interprets the 

world in a whole new light because of it. It also shows how he perceives falling in love as one of 

the best human experiences in life. She opened up his whole world and made it a thing of beauty. 

“I didn't see it.” this quote can be interpreted as he did not know what love was before. He 

thought that falling in love would just change his views on her, but it didn’t, it changed his entire 

worldly perspective.

One way this poem shows change is by utilizing the ‘m’ dash. When he begins to talk 

about how falling in love feels, he uses an ‘m’ dash. “ -horizons of land and of  seas-“ This 

symbol is typically used to add a long pause, whereas here the authore is trying to demonstrate 

his sudden change of heart. Juan ______ uses it in this instance to show a crossing of a boundary, 

his life before love and his life after he fell for her. It also shows how important this was, and 

how it contributed to a new, more candid version of himself. 

The sounds in Juan’s writing become quite different in the second half of the poem 

compared to the first. In the beginning of the poem the author utilizes a lot of harsh sounds. 

“like a rose, 

To see your soul,

 and I didn't see it.” 

The E is very grating and abrasive to the ears. The use of the E is probably to show how 

his life was not as whole before he found love. This sound makes you take a step back while 

reading and it purposefully doesn’t flow as well. In the ending of the poem, the author uses a 

lot of O sounds. The O is much more rounded and melodic then the E. It rolls off your tongue 

much more fluidly. “horizons of  land and of seas”. Since it it takes longer to make the sound 

of O, it can be stretched out more and used to create more pauses and stops in the poem. Juan 

did this to show how he feels more fulfilled since he fell in love, and how he can take more time 

to appreciate the beauty in everyday life, such as finding peace in simple words. The O sound 

creates a gentle calm sound that is shown in this poem.

Another way the author creates more pauses in the second half was through his choice of 

words. You can compare the first couple of lines to the last. The first part is much more terse and 

to the point.

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,

to see your soul,

and I didn't see it.”

He has a very abrupt tone during this section. He says what he is trying to say in few 

words. This part of the poem has less passion and personality. The author is much more guarded 

during this section. In the second part of the poem he opens up. He lets his style escape during 

the last couple of lines.

“everything, out to the infinite, 

was filled with a fragrance,

 enormous and alive.”

This part of the poem has a lot more comas, as well as “ands”. This section takes longer 

to read and follows a rhythm. Even the syllables per line increase, as can be seen in the first 

section which has approximately 5 syllables per line, while in this section, it goes up to 8. He 

chose to do this mostly to demonstrate a change in himself as the poem concludes. He evolves 

with the love he now has, his love for this woman has changed him. 

“I unpetalled you, like a rose,” I believe that this statement 

was made to insinuate that he had taken her virginity. “Deflowered” 

is a common term used to describe the act of taking a girls virginity. 


________________________________ ill figure out an ending later

Conclusion conclusion conclusion

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